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Shin So Shiatsu
Healing the Deeper Meridian Systems

Canadian Instructors

In Toronto:

Heike Raschl

Heike Raschl

completed her basic training as a shiatsu therapist in 1993 in Toronto. Two years later, while enrolled in acupuncture training, she met Ted Saito and was introduced to his work. She became his student and decided soon afterwards to embark on an ongoing apprenticeship with him.

Since then, Heike has studied, taught, translated and facilitated Shinso Shiatsu methods in many ways.

Heike currently works at The Shiatsu Center with Ted and continues to organize his workshops. She also facilitates "Practice Days" and the Shinso Shiatsu Summer Camp, two unique study groups that allow hands-on experience for practitioners.

She is dedicated to developing the quality of shiatsu and its presence within the overall healthcare landscape.

 In British Columbia: 

cheryl coull

Cheryl Coull

BA, CST, graduated in 1991 from the Shiatsu School of Canada in Toronto where she first studied with Tetsuro Saito, and since then has maintained a busy shiatsu practice in Victoria, B.C. In 2004, she co-organized B.C.’s first Shin So Shiatsu workshop and used her background in writing and editing to assist with production of Ted Saito’s book, Shin So Shiatsu–Healing the Deeper Meridian Systems. She is an editor with the North American Journal of Oriental Medicine (NAJOM),and a licensed acupuncturist (Acupuncture Diploma Program, Pacific Rim College, Victoria, BC). She continues to study Shin So Shiatsu with Tetsuro Saito.



meriel Cammell

Meriel Cammell

RST, graduated from the Dragon and Phoenix School of Shiatsu in Montreal, Quebec in 1999 and later pursued studies at the Canadian Acupressure Institute in Victoria, B.C. She practices Shiatsu and Reiki on Salt Spring Island, B.C., is co-coordinator of Shin So Shiatsu B.C., and continues her studies with Tetsuro Saito. She is a member of British Columbia Shiatsu Therapy Association.



ted Thomas

Ted Thomas
R.Ac., RST, is director and co-founder of Vancouver's Sourcepoint Shiatsu Centre and director and creator of the Shiatsu Therapy Program offered through Langara College. He holds a Diploma of Oriental Therapies from the East West Centre in Sydney, Australia, and graduated from the International College of T.C.M. in Vancouver, B.C., with a degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine. He has been practicing shiatsu since 1984 and Chinese Medicine since 1992. He continues to study Shin So Shiatsu with Tetsuro Saito.










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