Italian Instructors
Pietro Roat
He loves quiet and the mountains. Those moments of inner peace led him to Shiatsu in 2000.
After his diploma at Shambala Shiatsu School in Milan, he passed the R.I.O.S. Exam from the Italian Shiatsu Federation in October 2004.
He has since attended courses with the major Italian and international Shiatsu teachers: Franco Bottalo, Maurizio Parini, Carola Beresford Cooke, Ryokyu Endo, Akinobu Kishi, etc.
He is the co-creator of the Project "Shiatsu group activities” for the users of the former Psychiatric Hospital in Pergine Valsugana; this initiative was immediately welcomed and has successfully been carried on for many years.
In the spring 2002 he met Tetsuro Saito, whom he was favourably impressed by. First there was his incredible precision in his energetic evaluations and the great empathy during the shiatsu treatments. Then, during these treatments, he noticed that Tetsuro’s knowledge and mastery have been going hand in hand with his humanity and simplicity.
Soon he has started to attend his courses in Germany and Switzerland, and became the first Italian student to get a diploma in Shin So Shiatsu in 2006.
In 2009 he translated into Italian Tetsuro Saito’s book Shin So Shiatsu - Healing the Deeper Meridian Systems.
At the moment it’s an honour for him to be the coordinator with Tetsuro Saito for the courses in Italy and also a Shin So Shiatsu’s teacher, and hopes that this encounter with the Shin So Shiatsu practice may become for others a starting point for a passionate journey which will lead to explore a new dimension in this marvellous art.